Monday, April 13, 2015

Can you lip sync?

To answer the question in the headline right away. Yes you can. Everybody can lip sync. That's why it is so much fun. You can just have a good time with everybody.
Just get your favorite lip sync song and start the party. Talking about partys.  Can you imagine how easy you can make an avarage party, the party of the year? Right, just start a lip sync battle. It is really easy. And if you are not good yet, you should start your training now. Because you could be the next big star. Just have a look at Youtube and how much people make a killing with lip syncing. They became stars by doing so. Do you want to be next? Then just start now and put your passion in there. If you need some help, you should check out the new show called "Lip Sync Battle". 

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